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The Gas Station (Multiple Slime Options)

The Gas Station (Multiple Slime Options)

from $6.00

DISCLAIMER: All my slimes are made with BORAX. Borax will be included in your first order (and others unless you’ve just gotten a patreon package or asked not to get more borax). PLEASE NEVER ADD POWDER BORAX DIRECTLY TO SLIME. It will destroy it forever. Dilute 1 tsp (or the packet I’ve sent) in 1 cup of boiling water and add it SPARINGLY to sticky slime until it’s the texture you desire. Refunds cannot be given for sticky or frozen slime as slime is extremely weather dependent. There are instructions here on my website, on instagram, youtube, and tiktok on how to fix all kinds of slimes. Always feel free to ask questions. Please never microwave slime.

No refunds are given for scent preferences. ALL SCENTS ARE HEAVY UNLESS OTHERWISE DENOTED.

If your slime breaks in the mail, before doing anything else snap a picture of the broken jar and email it to and please include your order number. The fastest service is provided if you write BROKEN SLIME + order number in the subject, because it alerts me immediately.

Hello! All slimes in this listing are STRONGLY scented like GASOLINE. Purchase at your owe risk. Use the drop down menu to choose your texture!

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